Calling all parents/juniors, the Barbados Junior Surfing Club is accepting any high quality video footage featuring the biggest waves or most radical manoeuvres of its junior surf members to feature in our BJSC 30 Seconds Surf Video Feature and/or other BJSC video compilations in aid of promoting our surfers on an international scale. Feature videos are regularly uploaded on our Website and/or Facebook Fan Page which can be viewed at www.facebook.com/bdosjuniorsurfing/ . Submissions can be e-mailled to vice-president@bdosjuniorsurfing.org and should be approximately 30 seconds in length, of clear quality, and either in WMV, MPEG or AVI formats. The BJSC does not guarantee that every submission will be posted or utilized, and may edit any footage as it deems necessary for the video features. We look forward to receiving your submissions and featuring your surfing in our online promotions.
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